LEARN TO PLAY - formerly "Hockey Basics" (for players aged 4 and up)
Players who are signing up for Learn to Play must be strong skaters and able to skate unassisted.
- Sweater Pick Up Day - Saturday September 14th, 2024 from 10 to 11am at Dickson Arena.
Parents will line up outside (socially distanced) at Dickson arena and pick up the jerseys at the door.
- Our first scheduled ice time is Saturday September 28th, 2024 at Dickson Arena.
- On Sept 28th, 2024, the instructions will evaluate all players to recommend placement in the appropriate program.
- Parents will find out which evaluation time slot their child is in on Sept 14th when they pick up their child's jersey.
- Learn to Play (Basics) will be Saturday's from 10am-11am at Dickson
- Learn to Play (Intermediate) will be Saturday's from 11am-12pm at Dickson
- Learn to Play (Advanced) will be Saturday's from 12pm-1pm at Dickson
- The GMHS programs run from September 28th, 2024 until the beginning of March 2025.
Learn to Play is the next progressive step from our Learn to Skate Program. The three levels of the Learn to Play program introduces your child to more advanced skating, agility, balance and also the introduction to hockey sticks. How to stickhandle, shoot and pass the puck.
These classes are strictly for “SKATING and LEARNING HOW TO USE THE STICK”. The first few weeks of the programs are dedicated to skating only. Our aim is to develop good strong skaters and teach them how to use their stick for stickhandling and shooting the puck.
Learn to Play Levels:
Basics - is skating and introduction of puck handling skills along with the introduction to hockey fundamentals.
Throughout the season, this program’s emphasis is on progressing to higher level skating and puck control drills.
Intermediate - is the next level which offers more challenging drills and works on other skating skills.
Advanced - is for the more advanced skaters with more advanced drills.
By having the three (3) different levels in Learn to Play, we can open up the ice and in turn get more 1 on 1 instruction for the participants. There is the opportunity for players to move up a level if the Instructors feel it will benefit the player.
Cost found on CMHA website.
2024-25 Registration -> CLICK HERE!!
Approved helmet, approved full face guard, approved throat guard, shin pads, elbow pads, shoulder pads, hockey pants, hockey socks, hockey gloves, skates, jock / jill and hockey stick

STICKS: The length of the stick should be measured this way. With their skates on, the tip of the blade should be on the ground and the top of the stick should come to the tip of their nose. With the stick at the proper length, the player will be able to handle and shoot the puck much easier. We prefer at this age a straight blade or one with very little curve.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: As the season progresses and your child's skating and stick handling skills become stronger, our Lead Instructors may advise your child be moved from Basics to Intermediate or from Intermediate to Advanced or from Advanced to our U7 Cross-Ice Hockey Program.
Galt Minor Hockey School holds two (2) Power Skating Clinics during the winter season. They are held on Wednesday nights with the first session starting WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9th to DECEMBER, 11th, 2024 and the second session beginning on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER, 18th, 2024 to MARCH 8th, 2025. The cost is $100 per ten (10) week session. This program fills up rapidly and is on a first come first serve basis (all skaters are required to be in full approved equipment).
NOTE: This program is geared for 5-8 year olds. All participants must be registered with CMHA/GMHS for the current season in order to participate in this program.
If interested, registration is Sept. 14th in the back classroom at Dickson Arena during Sweater Pickup Day.