AAA & A/AA Evaluation Registration Form
Fee: $100.00 payable at the end of completing this form through SportsPay
This Registration form and payment must be completed with payment in order for the Player to participate in Evaluations.
The $100.00 fee covers both AAA and A/AA evaluations for those players that are eligible.
Cambridge and Zone Players at all ages are guaranteed 3 evaluations at AAA and Cambridge players are guaranteed 3 evaluations at A/AA if released from AAA.
Players attending our evaluations on an F1 waiver may be released after 1 skate.
**At U10 (2015) there will only be a AAA and B/BB team. Players may register for AAA only, B/BB only, or will need to register for both sets of evaluations if they wish to attend each.
**There is no U13 B/BB team and therefore, U13 players are able to register for AAA & A/AA combined or just A/AA evaluations
**Players planning to try out for U14 AAA or U14 A/AA must complete both the in class on and on ice portion of the Body Checking Clinic offered through CMHA. This will be checked prior to evaluations. If it has not been completed, the players will be ineligible to participate in evaluations.
AAA Evaluation Schedule
A/AA Evaluation Schedule
Prep Phase Registration