New Referee/Timekeeper Application (Cambridge Minor Hockey)


New Referee/Timekeeper Application
New Referee's - Must be 14 years old prior to December 31st of this coming season. Timekeeper's - Must be 12 years old prior to December 31st of this coming season. Application is open until September 3rd, 2024 at 9:00pm. Interested applicants will be contacted after September 3rd, 2024 with further details.

Personal Information

Complete the personal information section so we can get a hold of you when the times right!

Officiating Position

Please state which position you are interested in applying for. Remember you have to pick only one.

Getting To Know You

This is the section where we get a better chance to know who you are.

This position requires considerable commitment by the referee/timekeeper (and parents/guardians). This includes following a dress code, being punctual, mandatory monthly meetings, procedures, record keeping, game sheet accuracy, organization, personal skills, professional conduct, rules knowledge, equipment expense and annual re-certification. Arenas can be cold, shifts may be long, and spectators and participants can be emotional. Tournaments require assignments during some weekdays. Shifts may start early in the morning and some can end late at night. Is this commitment acceptable to your household?

If you are under the age of 18. Does your parent/guardian consent to you submitting this application?