Initiation-U7, 2021-2022 (Cambridge Minor Hockey)


This League is part of the 2021-2022 season, which is not set as the current season.
No upcoming games scheduled.

U7 - Cross-Ice Hockey (6 years of age)
"Join our TEAM!! Where no one sits on the bench!!"

The Galt Minor Hockey School introduced cross ice and half ice hockey in 2016. Exciting drills and small area games have kept the kids engaged and spectators impressed.  The new format brought its challenges, but the 14 hours previously spent on the bench, now gained since the players are on the ice 100% of the time, has seen skill levels drastically improved compared to previous seasons.  Our exclusive classroom where hockey-related videos are shown to the kids along with demonstrations on a plastic hockey surface, nicknamed “Make Believe Gardens”, explains what will be worked on when they go out on the ice.  The addition of the B.E.S.T. games has been a memorable way for the players to end the season.

Hockey being a team sport, good player attendance each week is critical to help make our programs successful.

U7 Cross-Ice Set-up for practices and game play
Playing Surface – Cross-ice

   • The maximum size of the ice surface is 60 feet by 85 feet.
   • U7 is a single-year age division:
      o Six-year-old games will be played on cross-ice all year.
         ï‚§ Use October as a development month – no games, just practices.
         ï‚§ GMHS holds an annual U7 “skills and drills” mid-season event to keep the program fun for the players!
         ï‚§ games will be played cross-ice from November through February and may transition to full ice the end of February into March to prepare for the GMHS “B.E.S.T. Games” event.

Practice Set-up for U7 hockey –Skills & Drills Station Rotation
   • Enjoyable introduction and experience at all player’s skill levels.
   • Provide a healthy environment for fun and learning.
   • Teach the basic fundamental skills.
   • Stress participation, fun, and skill development.
   • Development of communication at the players’ level of learning.
   • Introduction to fun skill-based small area games and player achievement program.

GMHS – U7 Classroom Pre-Game Lessons on Saturday’s
   • The first classroom in the season is a Parent Information Session presented by the GMHS Director.
   • One of the GMHS Lead Instructors will teach a variety of hockey topics about skills and game rules weekly.
   • Lessons are presented in the form of Video Clips and equipment demonstration with player interaction.
   • Players are asked questions and the end of the lesson and volunteer they answers.
   • Every player is expected to be in our classroom sessions 1/2 hour before their scheduled Saturday ice time.
   • This classroom is part of the program and helps us in teaching and in turn saves valuable ice time.
   • Classroom lessons take 15 minutes then players are sent to the dressing rooms to finish getting ready.
   • Parents are welcome to sit in.
   • Classes start on the second Saturday of the season and end on the first Saturday in March.

Saturday Cross-Ice Game Set-up (nobody on the bench!!)
The game play format used in U7 cross-ice hockey is the Three Games Model . This model is built on two teams playing one another in three sections of the ice surface. Each U7 team is divided into three units. Each team is required to dress at least one goaltender.  Teams can dress up to two goaltenders.  Goalie shooting targets will be used on the other nets without dressed goaltenders.

Galt Minor Hockey School holds two (2) Power Skating Clinics during the winter season.  They are held on Wednesday nights with the first session starting WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19th to DECEMBER, 21st, 2022 and the second session beginning on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY  4th to MARCH 8th, 2023.  The cost is $100 per ten (10) week session.  This program fills up rapidly and is on a first come first serve basis (all skaters are required to be in full approved equipment).

NOTE: This program is geared for 5-8 year olds.  All participants must be registered with CMHA for the current season in order to participate in this program.

If interested, registration is Sept. 17th in the back classroom at Dickson Arena during Sweater Pickup Day.
Click here -> Power Skating Information Page

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