2025-2026 Tryout Information (Cambridge Minor Hockey)


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Cambridge Minor Hockey Evaluations 2025-2026

Evaluations are quickly approaching and we are excited to welcome returning and new players for the upcoming season. 


Evaluations for our representative (travel) teams from U10 through U18 are scheduled to take place in the spring. You can find the evaluation schedules at the link below:

2025-2026 Evaluation Schedule 

Our U8 MD & U9 MD teams are scheduled to take place in the fall. Details for this will be posted in August. Please check back for this information. 


As per the OHF mandate, registration for evaluations will open on April 2nd. 
Cambridge Minor Hockey is not permitted to open evaluation registration prior to this date. ALL players interested in participating must complete the registration process and make payment prior to stepping on the ice. 


Can your child try out for teams at any local Minor Hockey Association?

Yes - players can attend tryouts at different Associations. Associations can establish internal restrictions on the players that can attend programming from outside but cannot restrict a player from leaving. 

Do I require a Permission to Skate form?

There are no permission to skate forms required within Minor Hockey. 

Are players required to be provided three evaluation skates before they can be released?

No - There is no required for a player to be provided three evaluation skates. There is also no requirement for a player to attend a minimum number of evaluations before they can attend another Associations player evaluations. Players during the player evaluation window are eligible to attend as many programs player evaluations as they desire. 

Are associations required to keep evaluations open through the tryout process?

There is no requirement to keep player evaluation registration open throughout the tryouts. Associations may close player evaluation registration at any time once the evaluations open. 

Do players need to register in advance for evaluations?

Yes - all players must be registered and paid for player evaluations in order to attend and be offered a spot on a team. 

Will the registration process for evaluations require a player release from their current home center?

Players attending player evaluations at U13 and below will remain registered with their 2024-2025 season team up until 12:00:01 am on April 19. Players attending player evaluations at U14 and above will remain registered with their 2024-2025 season team up until 12:00:01 am on April 21. At that time they will be released and no further release will be required.