Below are links as well as course information on the various required courses to be a Head Coach, Assistant Coach or Trainer on a team.
Information regarding the minimum required Coaching certification for various levels of hockey can be found here
Information on requirements for coaching certifications are linked below:
Coach 1 – Intro to Coach Clinic requirements
- Coach 1 - Intro to Coach Course – This course is on a third-party website; coaches will be required to create an account and access the content. The URL will be in the coaches Email confirmation. Once the coach completes both modules, it will take 48-72 hours for the HCR profile to be updated as it is not synced with the HCR.
Coach 2 – Coach Level Clinic requirements
- HU-Online Checking
*Both online modules are pre-requisites courses and are both required to be complete before you start the on-demand in class portion.
- Coach 2 – Coach Level Course – This course is on a third-party website; coaches will be required to create an account and access the content. The URL will be in the coaches Email confirmation. Once the coach completes both modules, it will take 48-72 hours for the HCR profile to be updated as it is not synced with the HCR.
Respect In Sport Certification - RIS (this is an on-line course)
Gender Identity and Expression Course - GI course link is here, you will be directed to sign into your HCR profile then redirected to the GI course.
Trainer's Certification - HDCO (this is an on-line course)
Please Note:
- Respect in Sport for Activity Leader and Gender Identity and Expression are required courses for any Volunteer who will be part of a Coaching Staff.
- Every team must have a certified Trainer. The certification expires every 3 years and there is a shorter re-certification course available if it is completed before the certification expires.
- Click on the link for a Power Point Presentation regarding the changes to Coaching Certification implemented by Hockey Canada. Presentation
***All bench staff and on ice helpers are required to submit a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) every 3 years.***
Reimbursement for any Clinic will only happen with previous approval from CMHA.