Nov 13, 2011 | Cindy Tinson | 806 views
The triple "T"s stand for the following:
Tempers, Tolerance and TESTOSTERONE!!!!
Tempers- we need to control them!
Tolerance- we need more of it!
Testosterone- 'nuff said....
Morning players and parents, I hope you all had a good night's sleep. I know it took me awhile to unwind from last night's game. I'm sure it was the same for a few of you as well. Anyways, good game last night guys. We had a hard fought victory. We experienced a little bit of everything, great passing, followed by great goals, which were created by our great speed and our ability to score off the rush. It's great to watch from the bench and probably even better to watch from the stands. For most of the night we played a solid game, except when the retaliation penalties started and led to the fighting.
There are a few things I need to say;
1. I did not pick any players for their fighting capabilities.
2. All of you are more important to us on the ice, than in the penalty box.
3. You don't need to prove how tough you are to the other team, your coaches or teammates.
We need to play OUR game from now on, which is SPEED, PUCK MOVEMENT and CONTROLLING the play with our SKILL!
Now, to what really has me at a loss for words, is how easily the helmets came off last night.
Gentlemen, your helmets will be checked by the training staff before your next game! If they are not fitted properly, they will be adjusted for you. If it is not will not be allowed to play. (This is a zero tolerance safety measure, as to proper fitting equipment) It is part of the trainer's job, to make sure of this and we will enforce it. When helmets come off you are putting your health at a great risk, due to a head injury!
So lets play safe and remember what the coaches said after the game .....
When we play them in their barn, we will put the damage on the scoreboard! We will not be sucked into playing their style! Gentlemen, we represent our City of Cambridge and Cambridge Minor Hockey. You all payed a lot of money to play this great game, so lets keep our skates and sticks on the ice and not on the suspension list! We are a class act both on and off the ice and in the stands. Players bring your speed and skill. Parents bring your voices and support.
3 Stars vs. Ancaster:
Cole T.-hat trick, 2 assists
Spencer D.- 1 goal, 4 assists
Mitchell W.- 1 goal, 3 assists
Honourable mention: Brandon R.- Shutout!
3 Stars vs. Rosedale:
Austin M.- 2 assists (great penalty kill)
Josh H.- 1 Assist
James.(cupcake)H.- outstanding goaltending!
Honourable mention: Michael S. and all of you that managed to stay out of the penalty box!
See you at our next game, Friday in Hamilton against Lawfield.
Submitted by
Coach Frank