Sep 18, 2013 | Jeff Kerr | 812 views
2013-14 Pre Season Skate
The Minor Midget Select team is the first year in which there are open tryouts. That is your HL coach does not need to put your name forward to tryout for the Select team. The tryouts are open to any registered HL Minor Midget player. Those players looking for a little extra ice are invited to come skate.
The one hour ice times will be limited to the first 25 skaters. Feel free to email (my email addy is on the team website thru the team roster page) me a desire to skate and I will hold a spot for you on the first ice time. We have Oct. 1, 8, and 15 at Dickson Arena all are 4-5 pm ice time. Cost is $10 per ice time. Or $25 for the package of the 3 ice times. We are looking forward to another great season this year. See you all at the rink,
Coach Jeff