Jan 15, 2014 | Darlene Hookey | 1537 views
Midget Select brings home GOLD!
Cambridge Midget Select come home with the GOLD!
Having participated in the Rosedale 40th annual Select tournament.
The Hornets opened the round robin with a 5-2 win over Lawfield. Scoring 2 goals each were Scott Finnie, and Mathew Frias, and Patrick Peach rounded the game out with a goal. While an assist went to Jon Ashworth.
The second game came with a defeat of 2-0 to the Rosedale Devils.
In the third game against Port Credit resulted in a win and the Hornets advancing into the semi finals. Goals scored by Mitchell Hertner, and Jon Ashworth. Assists went to Mathew Frias, Kieran Hutton, Cole Riddle, Matt Patterson, and Jacoub Quilty.
The semi final game was a barn burner against Ancaster. With the Hornets advancing to the final with a score of 4-3. Even with a penalty shot that was stymied by goalie Shane Stevenson. Who stood his ground and deflected the shot with his blocker. With 3 goals scored by Matt Patterson, and one from Jacob Csanits. Assisting going to Jon Ashworth, Jacoub Quilty, and Mitchell Hernter.
This brings us to the most exciting game of the tournament. THE CHAMPIONSHIP GAME, and we had a chance to face our nemesis Rosedale Devils. With a hard fought game. Our Hornets had amazing puck possession, and played with all they had. It was the best game of the tournament. Winning 3-1, and taking home GOLD! Goals came from Kieran Hutton, Matt Patterson, and Mitchell Hertner, assisting was Mitchell Hernter, Jon Ashworth, and Cole Riddle.
With a AMAZING job keeping pucks out of our net, was Aaron Miesel and Shane Stevenson. Both our goalies played with passion and we couldn't have done it without you!
Thank you to the Midget Select Hornets for an amazing tournament, and for playing with pride. The coaching staff and fans alike are extremely proud of the way you played.