Apr 25, 2019 | Erik Abayof | 731 views
Game vs. Kitchener April 25th
The players that will be dressing for the Exhibition game
vs. Kitchener on Friday April 26th at 5pm have a Jersey number assigned
to them on the Tryout Player List. If
you were assigned Jersey # 0 you will not
be dressing on Friday but will be playing in the game on Saturday.
Releases will be made after Fridays game and a new roster
for Saturdays game will be posted late Friday evening.
Those players playing on Friday, please plan to be ready for
a coaches talk at 4:50 on Friday at Sportsworld Arena.
If you are not dressing for the game on Friday and are on
the Tryout Player list you do not need to attend the game, however, you are
welcome to come watch and cheer on the HAWKS.
Coach Erik