Sep 22, 2019 | Nathan Herrington | 1080 views
Novice MD Red - Final Roster Announced
The Novice MD Red team completed their tryout process on September 22nd afternoon and the final roster is now complete. The following players are now offered a position on the 2019-20 Cambridge Hawks Novice MD Red team.
L. Campbell
Q. Gignac
T. Ford
C. Galvao
K. Galvao
J. Herrington
A. Gillespie
W. Grummett
E. Hay
K. Landon
M. Litt
M. MacLean
B. Miller
J. Newport
J. Penney
L. Westwood
B. Fraser
H. El-Sanoussi
Congratulations gentlemen. It is a privilege to play this game. I am looking forward to sharing this seasons experience with you all.
Nathan Herrington
Head Coach