Oct 19, 2019 | Mike Crepeault | 846 views
Minor Peewee Select Tryouts - Updated Information
I would like to take this opportunity to update you regarding upcoming Minor Peewee Select Tryouts. Tryouts will be by invitation only and over the next week or so you will receive an invitation for your child to attend the tryout sessions. Sorry if there was any confusion with the original post.
There will be two tryouts beginning on October 26th from 7-8:30 pm at Karl Homuth and on October 27th from 7-8pm at Dickson Arena. The cost for the tryouts is $30, payable in cash at the door on Saturday. There will be no releases after the first tryout. We will be looking for the best 15 players and 2 goalies. Keep in mind you are trying out for the team and not a certain position. The coaching staff will put players in the position that they feel will most benefit the team.
Most ice times will occur on Saturdays and Sundays and will not conflict with house league. There will also be Practices on Thursdays at 4pm at Preston Aud Starting November 7th running until March 12th. We will be trying to schedule 3 tournaments , 1 within an hour drive, 1 that will be an overnight and the final championship tournament in Brantford at the beginning of April.
There is a rep fee that will be approx $600 per player. Fundraising will be required.
We will also have weekly/biweekly dryland training which will be additional cost.
If your child is invited at that time, Please confirm your attendance for the tryouts by calling or texting 905-867-9750 No later than Wednesday October 23rd.
Please bring your house league jerseys to the tryouts.
Thank you Mike Crepeault , Head Coach , Minor Peewee Select Hawks