Welcome to Tryouts, News, U15 AAA (2008), 2022-2023, AAA (Cambridge Minor Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2022-2023 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 24, 2022 | Shawn Maltby | 1202 views
Welcome to Tryouts
Hi everyone!

For all those joining us on Tuesday - welcome to tryouts for the U15 AAA team! 

Tryouts for day 1 will take place at Hespeler Arena Rink 1 - 640 Ellis Road Cambridge.

Ice time beings at 7:00, but please arrive early to check-in and dress.  I would like to chat with the players prior to the ice time, so please be dressed and ready by 6:45.  Check-in table will be located downstairs.

All players from one of our Zone centres, such as Hespeler, Ayr or Beverly, MUST have their permission to skate form.  Please ensure this is SIGNED by a parent and handed in at the check-in desk.

Players coming from other centres, are required to submit their F-1 Waiver from their home centre upon check-in.

Looking forward to seeing everyone! 


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