Sep 11, 2023 | Terri Peach | 130 views
URGENT! Convenor is needed for start up!
Dear Members
The U10 division is still in need of a convenor, without a convenor the season will not be able to start. The time commitment for this division will be approx 2-3 hrs a weekend, the convenor only has to be present at the arena for division home games.
Convenors are the front-line eyes and ears of the association and are there to oversee their division and are essential to ensure fun & fair play. You will assist with HL coach selection, organize the evaluations, and team selection process, track game sheets, keep coaches informed and updated on topical and changing issues. You will answer questions from parents and/or players; settle minor disputes. You will also make sure all participants are playing within the rules as they are laid out.If you are interested please let me know. If you have more questions I am available via email or cell.