Comments from the "Mom's" Bench, News, Minor Midget, 2010-2011, Select (Cambridge Minor Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2010-2011 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 18, 2011 | Frank Drover | 771 views
Comments from the "Mom's" Bench
Tonight's game felt like a win even though it wasn't! Probably because we felt that all the guys were working together out there and didn't give up! The benches provided were cold, hard and at times way too close to the action!

But the "Mom's" stuck it out even though we had the option of a warmer, higher, licenced lounge.
WHY? - because we love you guys and try to let you know it - every shift you are on the ice!

The boards were much lower at this arena and being so close to the ice gave us a different perspective of the game. We felt every hit you gave and received- I swear I am bruised!!!

"Bam!" "Wasn't that Andrew K.?-remember when he was the shy quiet guy at the beginning of the season??? 
Don't mess with him now!

Did Ben D. get taller??? - he looks taller and faster out there!

Nick C. we love you and know you will protect our own, but watch those hits from behind- even if the refs don't notice ....THE MOM's do!

Brandon, from our perspective at least one of those goals was completely blocked from your vision-and how come our team never gets any of those lucky bounces????

Wes, they see you as an easy target but you give as good as you get and never stop trying... we love to see you hungry for the puck!

My "MAD MOM MOMENT" occured tonight at the other team's net. My kid is down on the ice and the other guys are beating on him-LET ME AT THEM!!! But of course I have to behave...luckily Mitchell W. was there to look after his teammate for me!

I have to comment on the ref's tonight since I have bashed them in the past, the "Mom's" felt that they were on top of things tonight-shutting down trouble before it gets out of hand.

Alex I apologize if there was some confusion over the schedule change but we are glad you showed up- you made a contribution!

Spencer D. that was an awesome move you made tonight, Mitchell faked that he was going in with it but you fired that puck in instead- it should have worked...keep trying and it will!

We missed you tonight Hayden E. but the "MOM's" know that back injuries can be serious-take care of yourself!

The coach says the 3 stars are: Cole T, Matt C. and Connor L.
BUT THE "MOM'S" say you were all stars tonight!

If I didn't mention your name tonight, I apologize...I am running out of space! 

The tie breaker in April with this team should be interesting!

By Cindy T.
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